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3M DBI/SALA 3504550 Ultra-Lok RSQ 50 Foot Self Retracting Lifeline With Rescue Capabilities
3M DBI/SALA 3504550 Ultra-Lok RSQ 50 Foot Self Retracting Lifeline With Rescue Capabilities
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: $1,804.00
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Description Specs
3M DBI/SALA 3504550 Ultra-Lok RSQ Self Retracting Lifeline With Rescue capabilities with 50 feet of 3/16 inch galvanized cable and self locking swivel snap hook.  The Ultra-Lok RSQ Self Retracting Lifeline's exclusive dual-mode operation allows the user, prior to connection, to choose between fall arrest requiring assisted rescue or self rescue.  This two-in-one operation allows the device to be optimized for the jobsite while providing the ultimate level of worker safety.  After setting the device mode, should a fall occur, the following will happen: Fall Arrest Mode(Assisted Rescue): A speed sensing brake stops the fall, reduces forces imposed on the user to safe levels of 900 lbs or less and allows for assisted rescue to take place.  Automatic Rescue Mode(Self Rescue/Descent): A speed sensing brake stops the fall just like in fall arrest mode, then instantly a centrifugal brake activates lowering the user at a controlled speed to the next level or ground.