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3M DBI/SALA 1246173 WrapBax2 Tie Back Lanyard With Force2 Shock Absorber
3M DBI/SALA 1246173 WrapBax2 Tie Back Lanyard With Force2 Shock Absorber
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: $215.88
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Description Specs
3M DBI/SALA 1246173 6 Foot Force2 WrapBax2 Tie-Back shock absorbing web lanyard with locking snap hook at one end and tie-back hook at other end.  Traditional hook designs are not intended for tying back, however, many workers mistakenly use their standard hooks to tie-back.  Should the worker fall with a standard hook tied back, the forces may inadvertently end up on the gate which is not intended for load-bearing, causing it to fall open and injure the worker.  The new WrapBax2 hook offers a unique look to easily differentiate from the standard hooks and provides 5,000 lb strength-even on the gate.  Eliminates the need for a separate anchorage connector.  Force2 lanyard for use where there is no overhead anchorage and you are required to tie off at your feet.  The new design shock pack is the lightest, strongest and smallest shock absorber in the world.  The shock pack has a rugged and durable cover.  The lanyard labels are protected for durability and longevity.