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3M DBI/SALA 8900101 Rollgliss Descender
3M DBI/SALA 8900101 Rollgliss Descender
: $933.00
Special Instructions: 0


Description Specs
3M DBI/SALA 8900101 Rollgliss Descender System for use with 3/8 inch Kernmantle rope.  The Rollgliss Descender system is simplicity itself to operate.  It is reliable and requires minimal maintenance.  Used worldwide, it is the ideal self-operated descent device for mast and antennae construction, cranes, special fire service tasks, off-shore operations and tactical actions by police, military, etc.  3M DBI/SALA has developed a complete line of rescue and retrieval systems that are more effective than any other in the industry.  In any kind of emergency when time is an important factor, you can depend on 3M DBI/SALA quality and durability.  We have made it easier to protect workers in hazardous situations.