Plasteco, Inc F-410 FallGuard 4'-9 X 11'-4" Skylight Screen for use with existing corrugated fiberglass skylights. FallGuard skylight screens provide a protective cage over the skylight preventing personnel from falling through corrugated fiberglass skylights. Being at the same level and having the same profile as the corrugated metal roof panels, make these skylights in particular, fall hazards as they can be difficult to detect by persons on the roof. OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.23 Guarding Floor and Wall Openings and Holes (a)(4) Every skylight, floor opening, and hole shall be guarded by a standard skylight screen or fixed standard railing on all exposed sides. OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1926.501 Duty to Have Fall Protection. (b)(4) Holes (i) Each employee on walking/working surface shall be protected from falling through holes (including skylights) more than 6 feet above lower levels by personal fall arrest systems, covers, or guardrail systems erected around such holes. FallGuard skylight screens are economical, easy to install and low maintenance. With FallGuard skylight screens in place, the risk of common rooftop mishaps resulting in falls through skylights is permanently eliminated. FallGuard skylight screens are easily installed without use of special tools. They can be retrofitted to practically any existing skylight, regardless of the manufacturer and they do not compromise the energy-saving benefits of the skylight. All components are delivered installation ready. FallGuard skylight screens are available in a broad range of sizes. Length and width of skylight is required to quote proper size FallGuard screen. Download Model F FallGuard skylight screen data sheet to provide corrugated roof panel profile details."
- Complies with OSHA regulations 29 CFR 1910.23 and 1926.501.
- For use with corrugated fiberglass skylights.
- Eliminates potential for personnel to fall through skylight.
- Easily installed without use of special tools.
- Does not compromise the energy-saving benefits of skylights.
- Screen constructed of 3"x4" welded wire mesh.
- Screen hot dipped galvanized after welding.
- PVC bumper extrusion installed around the perimeter of the screen.
- Overall size of screen 4'-9" x 11'-4".
- 20 gauge 11'-4" galvanized steel channel with 6 pre-punched holes provided.
- The steel channel has tabe to receive the FallGuard screen.
- Length and width of corrugated fiberglass skylight required to properly quote FallGuard screen.
- Call for freight estimate.